Ma vie sur les murs 2009

Conception: Anne-Laure Walger Mossiere (2009)

Music - Jacopo Baboni Schilingi

In an indefinite future, Claire is arrested for having torn up advertising posters. She denounces consumer society and she is part of an extremist militant organization. She is interviewed by a woman who appears to be the building caretaker, whose character remains ambiguous. Is this strange woman cruel or gentle? Is she linked to the administration or secretly revolted? And what about the young convict? Is she really passionate and involved in political morals or is she manipulated by a society exceeding her? The real reasons for the arrest will turn out step by step. The spiral of a mafia justice is set up and against the injustice, Claire has only one alternative: choose between a heroic life or a hopeful future much like a modern Antigone. An affectionate relationship made of violence and tenderness began to grow between the two women in an often-surprising sharp and poetic dialogue. This piece echoes of all the great movements of racial protest of the twentieth century, sometimes on a sarcastic tone but at the end brings light to certain truths of the world in which we currently live in. The writing is resolutely tinged by anticipation which brings the spectator to be torn between fiction and reality, prospects and present. As if playing with the future could tell us more about our present time...