Exposition collective
Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris (France)
Commissaires : Laurence Bertrand Dorléac et Jérôme Neutres
Exposition du 5 avril au 9 juillet 2018
- Music generative and interactive installation - time length equal to Jacopo Baboni Schilingi's lifetime
- Conception : Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
- Conception of graphical rapresentation of data : Jacopo Baboni Schilingi
- Graphical representation : Léo Baquet
- Software developement : Jacopo Baboni Schilingi, Léo Baqué, Julien Vincenot and Lenny Szpira
- Sensors conception and realisation : David Kuller, society My Air
- Executif producer : Ensemble de Musique Interactive
- ARGO prjetc has been sponsorized by Françoise and Jean-Luc Déchery / Camille Fournet Paris
Argo is a music installation launched in June-2017. It will last Jacopo’s lifetime. Jacopo Baboni Schilingi wears a special device conceived to measure his breathing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, based on technology developed by David Kuller (through his company MyAir). A dedicated computer and algorithm constantly monitor the incoming data: the length of Jacopo’s breaths, total volume of his last 10 seconds to 1 minute of breathing, breath rate, rib cage expansion and compression, etc. The data transmitted and interpreted live from the device, creates a symbiosis between technology and the most fundamental, intimate process of a human’s life: breathing. For the first time, this device allows us to witness and comprehend an existential version of the present. Converting this into semantic functions, it generates endless music.
In the context of Artists & Robots exhibition, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi presents a new version of Argo 2018.
The work will be exhibited in the Stairway of Honour at Grand Palais in Paris.
The music composition will accompany visitors as they ascend the steps, thanks to a system of multiple loudspeakers throughout the space.
On the Mezzanine, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi's breathing is displayed on a screen by a 3D spheroid form that will be in perpetual movement accordingly with the artist's body.
Jacopo Baboni Schilingi is particularly involved with projects that bridge the human body and the world of machines. Argo is one part of the human-body-centric artistic research of Jacopo Baboni Schilingi.